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Trusted London based Since 2008
Best Independent Tantric Professional Massage North London
Ancient Life Wisdom in a Contemporary Way
by International Independent tantric therapist LILA LILAC
Unique Tantric Sensual Massage London with Real therapeutic Bath Ceremony

Erectile dysfunction problems, premature ejaculation, impotence, lack of pleasure, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, all consequence of stress the tantric massage will help !

Frequently Asked Questions
Everything You Need to Know About Tantric Massage Rituals by Lila Tantra
How can I book a session?
Booking a session is very easy to do. You can simply contact me directly Call me or write me here in the contact form one day before or call me in the morning until 12 noon (because in the afternoon I always busy with a clients so is better you send me a text. I am available everyday Monday to Sunday 1 pm to 8 pm.
Sometimes if you make your booking in advance is possible a session out for my normally work time ,or a bit early or a bit later.
Please the telephone is just for make your booking. So if you have any question I am more then happy to answer you but by email please. Sometime I am not able to talk free in the telephone.
Would be better if you can have a time to read well about my sessions and choose your preference before you booking.
Make sure ,please, when you make a booking, if you really can come to your session, because I work with little time and I have just 2 or 3 clients per day maximum, so my time is very important to me. If you make your booking and don t come or not give me advance notice, I can lost my time and money, and it is not fair, isn t?
There is a limit of age or gender for your sessions?
My Tantric Rituals are designed for men and women, 21 years old to 90 years old.
Is there anything I need to prepare for the session?
All you need to prepare is your mental state and good health. Be receptive and keep an open mind about the treatment you are about to receive to allow its benefits to be maximum.
Everything else - including massage oil, aromatherapy candles, and other elements of the massage - will be prepared for you. Whether you schedule the session at our facility or a venue of your choice, these important elements will be prepared to your maximum convenience.
Please don t drink alcohol ,or use any kind of drugs before your session It is to relax already and I use very powerful natural products, so in combination with these can to be harmful for you.
Please don t booking my services if you have any kind of skin disease,blood high pressure, cardiac problems, and is very important you write me before if you take any medication or treatment please.
The disable people are very welcome, but the only problem is my place, what is a ground flour flat ,no have stairs, but is small with no space for wheelchairs.
Can I have more than just the massage treatment?
The therapy session itself is highly customizable, so you can easily have multiple therapies combined into one packed session. If by "more" you mean additional, usually sex-related, services however, the answer is no.
I am trained in the art of Tantra so that they can deliver maximum pleasure and optimum benefits. However, I am also very professional and will only cater to your needs within the boundaries of Tantric rituals.
Do I need to bring anything?
No. We’ll provide fresh towels, shampoo,shower gel. You don’t have to think about anything. Hygiene it self-evident. Just make sure that you bring time, openness and the correct amount of money in cash.
I don t accept cheque or credit card, sorry...
Will Tantric rituals be dangerous for my health?
Will Tantric rituals be dangerous for my health?
Tantric massage rituals are very safe and beneficial, so there is no need to worry about them being hazardous at all. Our therapists are also trained by Tantra experts to ensure every part of the therapy is done properly.
If you have preexisting conditions, be sure to provide the details to our customer support officers or the therapist directly. This way, the conditions can be anticipated and the treatment itself can be adjusted properly.
You can also deal with a particular health issue by allowing the therapist to focus the treatment correctly. Again, provide the details about particular goals you are trying to achieve from the treatment for maximum benefits.
What is the lingam/yoni massage?
There is no satisfying word for it in English: neither the clinical word “penis“ nor the ridiculous sounding words like “dick“,
“cock“ or “wiener“ can express the meaning that a penis has to us men. They only show that we are repressed pupils who
have make jokes once something becomes serious.
In Taoist China it is called “jade wand” or “karmesin bird”.Here it has survived a culture in which the lingam and yoni are
considered healing and important parts of the body, which need as much touching, care and love as the rest of the human
being. Inspired by Taoist sources the Californian tantrist Joe Kramer has developed a lingam massage, which is healing
and energising at the same time. And also the most lustful thing man can possibly imagine.
The old Chinese study of Taoism talks about an important energy process: the transformation of sexual energy called
Ching into the life energy Chi. With men and women Ching is produced in the gonads. This energy is rather rough but we
have plenty of it and it is used for reproduction. If Ching energy is to be refined to Chi, it can be used to vitalise and rejuvenate
body and mind and to harmonise the love between man and woman.This, however, takes concentrated practice of Qi Gong or Tao
Yoga.The sensuous massage causes thesame energy process in a very simple manner: Man only hasto lie down and enjoy
and follow the energy flow in his body. The massage climaxes , an easy to learnTaoist special technique in which the orgasm implodes inside the body instead of exploding outside. Your whole body fills with warmth and turns into pleasant shivering.
I have problems with my erection. Can I still enjoy a massage?
For the lingam massage (genital healing massage ) it is unnecessary to have an on-going erection. It is just to help you.The impotence have to reasons: one is physical, and for that is good if you make a consultation with your doctor to check it out. The Traditional Chinese Medicine can help you a lot as well with amazing herbs and tonics. The another reason is psychological and come from stress ,anxiety, past emotional experiences....and the Tantric Massage can help you a lot,can cure you,100% See here my Tantric Therapy
I suffer from early ejaculation (ejaculatio praecox). Can your massage help?
Since early ejaculation is mostly not a function defect but rather a wrong way of experience, one can approach it on this experiencing level. Often it is only a matter of practice to control ejaculation. This come from stress, principal emotion :anxiety, missed control of your body. And the Tantric Massage associated with another natural alternative therapies, like the Bach`s Flower Remedies, Chinese Herbs, Tonics, can cure you! For sure.100% See here my Tantric Therapy