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This is a consultation , presential or skype, to resolve the Premature Ejaculation Problem in a natural way. This is very effective ! Just half hour consultation plus the 30 ml bottle with the flowers essence mix customised just for you , what you need, take 4 drops 4 times a day Help with anxiety , stress, and all emotional problem relative to premature ejaculation. Send me a email or call 07518873158 me and booking your time 





The famous Bach Flower Remedies have been used worldwide for over 75 years to help gently address transient emotional problems. There are 38 different Essences in total, for a range of emotional issues such as: fear, anger, anxiety, grief, sadness, anguish, confidence, melancholy, 'letting go', guilt, stress, traumas, learning etc.


The price include a half hour consultation personal or via skype/whatsapp plus the 30 ml bottle of remedy 

Bach Flowers Remedies Natural Therapy Consultation & mix flowers bottle 30ml

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